The start of something new

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted anything and for good reason. The summer was spent sending countless emails, working, coordinating surgery before school started, and generally trying to survive. But now I'm here in Glasgow, it still doesn't feel quite real but it's starting to. More about that in another post, first we need to catch up. Real talk, this has been probably the hardest and worst year of my life. I've had people hurt me and the people I care about in ways that I can't fix or reconcile, and I had to go through the process of forgiving them anyways even though they probably won't ever do the same for me. My health once again tried to derail my life, a new diagnosis and I learned some very hard truths about my body and the safety of having kids that I had to come to terms with. I lost friends and was backstabbed in ways that cut me deeper than they ever had before, I felt trapped and so incredibly alone and depresse...