Il sorriso dell'eternità (Eternity’s Smile)

This is a short story I wrote a while back but I thought I would post it here for anyone that cared to get an idea of what kind of fiction I write. The prompt I was given was to create a character that wanted something but could never have it. Somehow that translated to this story. I decided to play with limited 3rd person and omniscient 3rd person respectively, it came out a bit a mix of both but I liked the end result of the first time ever using this point of view. Eventually, I plan to expand on this idea, hopefully into a novel or screenplay of some kind. But for now, I'll keep it here. Let me know if you enjoyed it or would want to see more of my fiction! Thanks for reading. Il sorriso dell'eternità (Eternity’s Smile) Cemeteries were like museums to her, the cold marble of a headstone just as beautiful and moving as the most grandiose statue; while museums made her sad in the way a graveyard might do for others. Looking at history laid out in clea...