Sleep No More...

Spring blooms in Glasgow I have long had a deep and abiding love for Shakespeare, but it was not always so. My first experience with the Bard was Julius Caesar and I made the decision that I did not like reading plays, having to memorize Brutus’s monologue didn’t help my feelings towards it either. But it was later when my amazing high school English teacher had us read Macbeth that my feelings changed, albeit gradually. Side eye for Caesar Upon first reading, much like Julius Caesar, I hated the play and found it hard to understand or relate to. But she challenged me to read it again, so I did. It was upon a third read through that I found the humor and epic beauty in the Scottish play and it came alive for me. If not for falling in love with this gruesome tragedy I might have never found the great fascination with the world’s most prolific writer, nor would I have found my own spark for writing and history in the way that I did. For that, I will always have Mrs....