First Post!

Obligatory picture of me on a very good day. Hey guys! So this is my first post on this blog, hopefully, the first of many to come! The second weekend of April was a big one for me as I was inducted into Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honors Society, Delta Alpha Pi, International Disability Honors Society, as well as receiving an English department scholarship, all things that I am very excited about! In the future, I hope to be published in one of the society journals as well as competing for an internship in New York at a publishing house that I would absolutely love to work at one day. My Honors Society advisor Mrs. Walker, AKA the most amazing human being ever! My official induction certificate! Chair of the English Department, an incredibly wonderful man and I hope to take a class with him! It was a great couple of days, so in light of that, m y word for the day is perseverance....